Pet advise living in Spain

Pet advise living in Spain
22 February 2024

Keeping a dog in Spain is a popular choice for many residents and tourists alike, as dogs are considered to be an important part of the family in Spanish culture. However, there are some important things to consider when keeping a dog in Spain:

1. Licensing: In Spain, all dogs must be registered and have a license. This can usually be obtained from the local town hall or city council. It is important to have all the necessary paperwork in order to avoid any fines or penalties.

2. Vaccinations: Dogs in Spain are required to be vaccinated against rabies and other diseases. It is important to keep up to date with your dog's vaccinations to ensure their health and well-being.

3. Leash laws: In many areas of Spain, dogs are required to be kept on a leash in public places. It is important to follow these laws to ensure the safety of your dog and others around you.

4. Pet-friendly accommodations: When travelling with a dog in Spain, it is important to find pet-friendly accommodations. Many hotels, rental properties, and restaurants in Spain are welcoming to pets, but it is always best to check in advance.

5. Vet care: It is important to find a reputable veterinarian in Spain to take care of your dog's health needs. Regular check-ups and preventative care will help keep your dog healthy and happy.

6. It is now compulsory to have liability insurance for any dog, which costs very little, in the region of 45€ per year. 

7. It is also recommended for short-haired dogs to get a leishmaniosis collar or there is a new vaccine the vet can give to your dog.

Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by a protozoan (single-celled) parasite found in dogs, cats, and certain rodents in many parts of the world, most commonly in rural areas. The parasite is transmitted by small biting sand flies. It is an important disease to be aware of because humans can also contract leishmaniasis.

Overall, keeping a dog in Spain can be a rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend. By following the necessary laws and guidelines, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable life for your dog in Spain.

8. Processionary caterpillars which can be fatal to dogs if they come into contact with them.

DOG owners are being warned to be vigilant for a tiny but deadly creature that could kill your pet.

With the first signs of spring comes a tiny but potentially deadly pest; the Pine Processionary Caterpillar  (Thaumetopoea Pityocampa).

Dubbed Processionary Caterpillars because they form long lines crawling one behind the other, they appear among pine trees the length and breadth of Spain and the Balearic Islands.  

The caterpillars, measuring between three and four centimeters in length, can be particularly dangerous to young children who may be curious enough to touch them.

Each caterpillar is covered with tiny barbed hairs containing a protein called thaumetopoein. If they feel attacked, they will shoot their tiny hairs like harpoons

But they pose the biggest danger to dogs who may sniff or step on one, causing irritation to the paw which is then licked and the toxins transferred to the mouth.

They could suffer breathing difficulties, vomiting or start foaming at the mouth and should be taken urgently to the nearest veterinary clinic for an immediate cortisone and antibiotic injection.

The danger begins across Spain usually from late January and early February until late March when the creatures hatch from candy-floss-like nests in pine trees and drop to the ground in search of food.

Here at Advanced property group we are all dog lovers and have dogs and cats as part of our families, we are happy to give you any advise on Local Vets and pet insurance companies. If you need any more information please contact us - 

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