Sell your property

Thinking of selling your property? Perhaps, an apartment in Calpe, a villa in Moraira, a bungalow in Polop... At Advanced Property Group we are specialists in selling houses on the Costa Blanca North and we know where and how to find your ideal buyer. Our real estate agents in Moraira will help you speed up the process of selling your property through traditional and advanced marketing strategies that best work in the market. This includes:

  • Design of your property listing with professional photos and videos, attractive descriptions, map location...
  • Visibility on our real estate website, ensuring your listing is at the top of the Google search results
  • Showcase in our office in the centre of Moraira and Denia, two strategic locations where many tourists pass through
  • Exposure to the most important national and international real estate portals
  • Promotion at real estate fairs and events
  • Advertising brochures
  • Collaboration with other professional agents
  • Dissemination in social networks, advertisements on Google...
  • API Qualified and Approved, fully insured and registered Estate Agent. 

Let's sell your house on the Costa Blanca! 

At Advanced Property Group everything will be easier for you. We offer you a valuation of your property so that you get the reward you deserve. In addition, we accompany you throughout the process, making sure that all documentation is in order. If you would like to sell your property with us, we invite you to fill in the following form, without any obligation, so that our agent can get in touch with you. We are ready to sell your property, are you?

Your data
Property Data


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